All-in-one desn't include OZWCP?

Hello community,
please bare with me as this is my first time doing this.
I am trying to build a z-wave home automation and all goes well until a point.
I am installing Hassbian on the sd card, doing all the updates and upgrades and then I am installing the all-in-one package which installs z-wave as well.
but apparently is not installing OZWCP with it and I need it to change my sensor data to binary.
Until then everything looks fine, my home assistant detects the sensor and looks fine.
But to install OZWCP I am using this doc and after that, none of my z-wave appears, not even the z-wave panel.

from what I noticed is because I am installing z-wave again and there is a mix of config files which I am not sure how to fix and neither z-wave is working nor OZWCP. can anyone help me with this? and what is the best way to install z-wave and the CP?


You do not use the all-in-one installer with the Hasbian image. Once you have the Hasbian image up and running simply add zwave entries to configuration.yaml. Zwave will be installed. it takes a while but no need to install anything. There is no need to use OZWCP anymore. The zwave tools that are a part of HA do everything you will need to do.