All lights randomly came on

Just putting this out there in hopes someone can tell me my house hasn’t been hacked by the Russians. (Sorry, couldn’t help it) So at a little after 3am my kid calls me from his room, voice monitor, and ask why the light is on. Weird, no idea. Grabbed my phone and pulled up HA to turn it off. Shows all my z wave lights are on. I get out of bed and look around for whatever reason. Turn them all off and about 15 mins later they come on again, this time only a couple. That is when I just went ahead and shut the pi down and manually turned all the lights off. I am running .31 and this, to my knowledge, has never happened before. I have no automation setup. I haven’t looked at any logs because it was 3am and I had work in the morning. I am at work now and figured I would throw this out there to see if anyone else has experienced something similar. It was GE z wave switches and an Aeon plug that this happened to. I have a couple zigbee bulbs but those run through Logitech and did not come on. Sorry I don’t have the logs but I can update this later to see if anything odd shows up. I do have a password on the front end and could never get port forwarding to work for my ATT router. Moving out of this house soon anyway so never really needed it.

for what it’s worth, it happened to me once before. I blamed my kids who were out of town for hacking in and turning on all the lights to mess with me. It happened immediately after a reboot so I attributed it to that, any idea if you had any power fluctuations around that time. Might want to check your syslog in addition to the HA log to see if your PI rebooted itself or something.

Certainly odd, though I think software/hardware issues are more likely than hacking. Any chance of a power outage/fluctuation?

^^ This …

Pretty much every ZWave device will failsafe to switching on if it loses and regains power, This is so they can act as dumb devices if necessary and I am generally in favor of that since it gives options if there is a catastrophic failure of my HA system. However, the flipside is that if there was even a momentary power outage, perhaps a second or two, they would all turn on. If your region/neighborhood is prone to this (ours certainly has its share) maybe a house UPS would be in order -0 I am thinking about one of those.

This is especially a concern if you have any major manufacturing near your neighborhood. Had a friend who had issues at a weird hour and it turned out to be when second shift started at an injection molding place a mile away.

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Thanks for the replies. Didn’t think of the power fluctuations. No clocks were blinking but that doesn’t mean anything. Still at work so will check the logs out later. Thanks again.