This week all my lights turned on every night, including my sirens, I use a very complex password, and changed this a few times, all the add-ons are disabled. I only use one NAT port and changed this to an other port number. I made a MAC ACL block in my switches.
I really don’t know what to do else, any ideas ?
If you live in the UK, summer time started last weekend…
Any automations? Might try disabling them all for a day.
I had a script auto-updating (restarting) HA and an automation setup to trigger on entering the “On” state. But I think it was transitioning from the “Unknown” state (I assumed it would always be coming from the “Off” state).
Also if your lights are Hue or something like that, it’s possible you’ve got a schedule on the bridge or HomeKit or something like that doing something outside of HA.
In the logbook, what context is given for 'turned on by…"?
Thank you for the solution of my problem, yes, In my log I’ve found that my “Heiman Smoke Alarm” triggers my lights, a false alarm. I was looking in the wrong direction, next time I will look in my log first, I’m happy…