All my automations are gone and i cant create new ones ( beginner )

Hey Guys

I just startet with HASS a month ago and made really good progress so far.

But now all my automations are gone and i cant create new ones.

Im guessing that it has something to do with my “File Editor” ???

I tryd to make my HASS available over Cloudfare wich worked…
But i did something in the File Editor what i didnt understand maybe it was there ?

This is what i just typed in…


  ip_ban_enabled: true
  login_attempts_threshold: 5
  use_x_forwarded_for: true

I ignored whats on the left side of the File Editor, maybe ive overwritten something ?

I see the YAML file in the File Editor wich show all my automations but ya…

Some help ?


P.s. My Backup was 5 days ago sadly, the last week i put very much work into it…

A mistake i never make again

Welcome Joscha.

Did you accidentally override the line

automation: !include automations.yaml


Hey pedolsky

Maybe, how could i have done that ?

In my File Editor, when i open the folder on the top left corner theres still automation.yaml

And there i see all my settings for the automation

Oh Oh

I guess i accidantally override my complete /config/configuration.yaml

I did some research and ya… i just copied ( !include automations.yaml ) and past it in there and the automations are back…

Threre is nothing in hat folder accept that now so i guess thats a problem

But thats a different topic i guess…

Thanks for the fast reply and somehow youre answer was leading me to the Problem

Thanks man
