All my lights got switched on by Home Assistant Cloud. What could be causing this?


This morning, around 7:50AM CET all the lights in the house switched on. My wife immediately said “it was not me!”. When looking in the logbook I see an entry for each light reading like the one below:

Living Room Lights turned on by Home Assistant Cloud 7:50:16 AM - 29 minutes ago

Anyone having an idea what might be causing this, but more importantly how to stop this from happening?

Does anyone have remote access via Nabu Casa URL? This won’t be nabu casa causing this I don’t think.

Hi. That was my initial thought as well “mm, either my wife or my son has switched it on via their phone”, but I tested that and when they do (so with the phone over mobile data using the NBU, not wifi) it actually says “name of person” switched on the lights.

There is another report about this from a person who had fans in the house all of a sudden switch on also “switched on by Home Assistant Cloud”.