All of the sudden - HAOS wont boot

Not sure what happened :frowning:
Everything ran correctly and I have weekly backups too
but from last week I can’t boot the system which is running on ORacle VM
The version I started with (6 months ago) is HA OS version 9.4 , I am assuming the core has now been upgraded but still this is the file I am starting the HAOS with
HEre’s the screen I get now when Oracle VM try to load HA

I made some progress, I executed the bootx64 file in the EFI folder and it worked, how do I fix it to work on start as it did in the past?

I found the problem, the boot order changed in virtualbox and it tried to launch EFI internal shell and not the hard disk of HAOS, no idea what caused this, but just FYI if anyone encounters the same issue
you have to exit to Oracle VB bios and change boot order