All sensors from my iPhone stopped updating

Hi all,
I realized that all sensors provided by the companion app on iPhone are not updating. I began solving that location is not updating but then I realized that even battery state, charging, activity, ssid literally everything is not updating. Any ideas? Thank you.

After some update of HA this problem disappeared, however, it has been already a month since this problem emerged again.

Our both iphones do not send any updates of any sensors. There is no one else experiecing this problem as well?

I am really surprised that “nobody” dealt with this problem? I found two ways to solve it. It seems to be some residual wrong information in the database that blocks refreshing the table with phone position / device tracker.

1st solution:

  1. Logout (!) your user from companion app
  2. Delete the app along with its data
  3. Delete your phone from the integration
  4. Restart home assistant so the entities disapear
  5. Download app, log in, refresh HA

This did not work with my wife’s phone even though when we bought a new one, the new one still linked with that corrupted data in the database and did not refresh the device tracker. I deleted her user, person, restarted HA, it still did not work.

2nd solution

  1. Create a new person and a user with NEW/MODIFIED name of your wife .)
  2. When you are setting up a new phone it is apparently linked (its serial or whatever) to the previous person, so you MUST get the dialogue what different name of the device you would like to use. That works as a workaround as it is finally not linked to that corrupted database record.

I had exactly the same problem with my wife’s Iphone. Got it solved with your solution #1. Thank you very much!

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You know these residuals in the database are a real problem. I started using InfluxDB with Grafana. As I am not a developer, getting through it (Influx does not tells you that you are connected, still shows hosts=0, so I followed this number while the database was already there…) was real deal.

However, when you want to show something in grafana you have entities imported from the HA database there FOREVER, some imagine how does the DB look when you rename something as influx makes time dependent images of HA states for your stats. And you understandably play with your HA when you install something, change your mind, rework, reconfigure etc… so I realized that I need a testbed HA that will be mirroring itself constantly from the live installation on which I can play as in my sandbox and then move it to the live one when things work. However, that testbed is not connected to all devices so it wont be perfect… etc…

HA still lacks some clean up features for these situations.

I was facing a similar issue and I did not have to go through the solution suggested by @Vahaldor. I am not sure if it would have either worked or not worked, just that I didn’t get a chance to give it a shot. Here is what I did.
On the companion app on the phone, click on your profile. On the Profile page, scroll down until you see the “Automatically close connection” option. Disable it if it is enabled.
There is no save button so the changes should take effect immediately. You can confirm this by closing the re-opening the Home Assistant app whether it is still disabled.
At this point, all sensors should update without having to keep the app open.

Thanks @SimpleLiving7, stumbled across this old post today when the same thing was happening to me. Strange thing, it worked for my iPad Air3, but didn’t work on the iPhone12Mini. Tried @Vahaldor’s suggestion which didn’t work either, my search continues…

ok so it happened to my phone this week and the suggested approach by @SimpleLiving7 does not work for me.