All Zigbee devices unavailable for an unknown reason

Last night I noticed that my hallway lamp and another light were not connecting to my HA. I’ve seen this before so I rebooted my RP4 and waited for HA to come back online. It did but now all Zigbee devices were unavailable. I figured it was a glitch and I went to bed and expected them to come back online the following morning. No dice. Z-Wave is still working as intended and its on the same stick so I don’t think its a communications problem with the device itself. I rolled back to an earlier build (2021.19.4) still didn’t work. I deleted the zigbee intergration and readded it. Deleted it again and deleted the zigbee.db, still didn’t work.

Following the troubleshooting steps I added the logging config in and I am going to paste my logs here to view.

Any assistance would be great, I’ve been very happy with HA in the few months I’ve been running it and this will be the first time I’ve really had to troubleshoot anything. thanks!

A link to my logs on google drive

You haven’t said which integration you are using for Zigbee - there are quite a few options…

Thanks @nickdos I’m using the default HubZ Smart Home Controller.

I did solve this just now though. I installed a 6 foot usb extension and for whatever reason it worked. I’m guessing some localized interference.

I had a similar issue that was solved by an extension cord too. Someone suggested it and I dismissed it at first but sure enough, it fixed it.