I would like to be able to use a glob in the Influxdb black list for example sensor.pressure*.
I have had a look at doing a pull request myself but not really sure how to achieve this. I am still happy to make a pull request if someone can point me in the right direction.
Yes, please!!! I just came here to write this request. Also in the recorder component.
Better yet would be regex, but something of the kind. I’d like to be able to do things like “record all sensors with the word ‘temperature’ in them” or “ignore any sensor that has the word ‘octoprint’ in it”.
This functionality already exists in customization, where it’s possible to use globs, please expand it to other appropriate uses.
I also back this request. Came here to actually open the feature request, but found this one. I think that either regex or glob would do the trick and really help. I don’t know about others, but I’m strictly consistent with naming of my entities, so this would allow for easily sending to InfluxDB only what I think is needed (and I have so many entities that sending fewer would definitely be good, but specifying them one by one would be too cumbersome).
so FWIW this post from 2016 claims to have added support for regex. I’ve msg’ed the author and asked if he’d be interested in putting together a proper PR for it