Allow grouping entities as a single HomeKit device

plus one for this. this would make the homekit experience so much better - especially when you have a lot of light fixtures with multiple smart bulbs and multisensors etc.

+1 on this feature request! Air Quality Sensors would benefits greatly from grouping.

+1 for this feature, this would be a game changer for HomeKit as a frontend UI

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would like to see this as well, it’s very important for anyone using homekit

is this still not possible at the end of 2022?

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+1, this is still needed

Still neeeeded pleaaaaaaseeeee

Just ended up grouping sensors in ioBroker and using Yahka…

I don’t suppose you could elaborate a little, I’d love to know if this can be a solution

Would so love for this to be a feature, for things like fan/light combos and multi sensors

Any update on this? Especially with the Sonoff Zigbee dongle (ZHA) this grouping functionality is a must.

so it seems to be possible since when you expose a chromecast it does exactly that see HA forum
But I don’t know how it’s done or how you can combine arbitrary entities

I think this feature request HomeKit integration / expose multiple services of a device under a single HomeKit accessory entity - Feature Requests - Home Assistant Community ( might be asking for the same thing. I would really like to see this added as well; got my vote.

@petro would you mind merging the duplicate FR?


I wondering why not expose multiple services of a device under a single HomeKit accessory entity? This allows for better readability in the Home or Eve app.

For example a Xiaomi Mi Smart Home Temperature / Humidity Sensor will expose 3 services Temperature, humidity and pressure.


I am very surprised this feature is not implemented yet and nobody has upvoted the request. Will try to add this functionality myself.


Would this idea mean that services that may be exposed as individual entities would also be linked as a “feature” (attribute) of the parent entity?

For example, I have an Ecobee thermostat and it has preset modes. Homekit exposes a current_mode entity that allows me to change the mode, but this isn’t also exposed as an attribute of the thermostat entity itself, so when creating a thermostat card, the mode isn’t available as an optional feature I can display; I have to create a separate card for it.

I came here looking to see if this was suggested and found this… hoping this is exactly what I was looking for as a feature request.

I think this is the same request: Allow grouping entities as a single HomeKit device - Feature Requests - Home Assistant Community (

Would be amazing, you got my vote!

+1 from me