Allow rename of statistics, or change their display name?

When using the opower integration with the energy dashboard, the data is retrieved via a statistic. However, the statistic’s name isn’t very end-user friendly.
I’d appreciate if there were a way to rename the statistic like any other entity in an integration/device, or failing that, at least a way to modify the display name of the stat that’s shown in the energy dashboard.
This doesn’t seem to be opower-specific, as someone else has posted in configuration asking how to do the same thing: How to rename a "statistics id"

Yes please. I asked about this on Github and the Opower developer unfortunately has no plans to remediate. So maybe an overall way to add a friendly_name to statistics like you can with a sensor would be a better bet. My personal feeling is that “Opower cned elec XXXXXXXXXXXXX consumption” looks terrible on a dashboard meant for a human being, and I would love to find a solution.


+1, i have the exact same issue with the Opower integration