Allow specific device to log in without any authentication locally?

so basically i made a little terminal with no keyboard from some plexiglass and a rasperry pi and raspberry pi screen. and mounted it on a wall but i really hate having to go plug a keyboard into it evey time i restart my home assistant or update it or whatever. kinda defeats the purpose because i wanted it for just quick stuff. i have a specific user created for the terminal so it has access to essentially no security elements other than locking back up. how would i accomplish this exactly?

A specific device is probably not possible, but all on the local network.

A workaround could be if you can mount a small barcode scanner hidden somehow, you can print a single barcode with "username<tab>password" and enter is generally pushed automatically from scanners.
Not issue free, but less of an issue.

How would I make it automatically hit tab between username and password to go to the next box though?

Is there a way to make a web hook that automatically allows it to log in that i can have it open upon boot?

Most online barcode services have ability to use \t for tab.
We use this quite heavily at work for external drivers that needs to log in on our system, so we just hand them a barcode to scan on.
It saves us a lot of time unlocking generic accounts.

We use:

Code-128 barcodes, just make sure the evaluate option is checked.

I’m not proficient enough but I believe a chrome extension could also log you in.
All it needs to do is check the url and send keystrokes.

I think trusted networks should work for this. Just use /32 to specify only a single IP address. E.g. only matches while matches


#  auth_providers:
#    - type: trusted_networks
#      trusted_networks:
#        -
#        -
#        - ::1
#      trusted_users:
# terminal
#      allow_bypass_login: true
#    - type: homeassistant

without the #?

how do i specify the user its logging in as? is that right? just wanted to check to make sure i didnt lock myself out or something annoying, not trying to spend christmas eve restoring a backup from google drive lol.

** edit ** terminal is the user name im trying to use. it has access only to whats necessary.

I believe that is correct, but I have NOT tested it.
You should take some precautions to make sure you don’t lock yourself out. Possibly setup ssh access with public key authentication or something like that, so that you’re able to recover from misconfiguration.

how would someone recover using ssh?

So it went into safe mode for some reason and says this in the logs

2021-12-25 01:47:37 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.auth.providers] Invalid configuration for auth provider trusted_networks: Invalid Version4 UUID @ data['trusted_users'][''][0]. Got 't'

2021-12-25 01:47:37 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [homeassistant]: Invalid Version4 UUID @ data['trusted_users'][''][0]. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 7).

What does that mean?

Seems like you either need to remove /32 in trusted_networks or put it in trusted_users.
Not sure if it will fix this error though.

But, that does not seem to be the problem here.

First note, for trusted_users configuration you need to use user id, which you can find through Configuration → Users → View User Detail. The trusted_users configuration will not validate the existence of the user, so please make sure you have put in the correct user id by yourself.

To recover from being unable to log in, it’d help if you had access to the filesystem (and thus, configuration files) using something that does not rely on Home Assistant core for authentication. SSH seems like the perfect way to do that. However, I’m not using Home Assistant OS myself, so I’m not sure how to configure ssh to do that there.