Allowlist_external_dirs: Where are my files

Hello Community

I am using HA on a computer inside a KVM virtual machine
I am wondering how the external dir is working
my configuration is :

      - '/tmp/'

I can’t figure for myself where is located this directory
I am able to store files, and get these files, but to access to it, it’s mandatory to remember the exact name of each file, I don’t know how to verify, the content, the available space, or how to list/delete the old files

I tried to search by using external ssh access or by searching in the host, but it’s not clear
Is it exists a documentation which explain this functionality ?

It’s located inside the HA container, which is an entirely different container to the one you get when you SSH over.

If you want to be able to see those files easily, create a folder under /config/ and use that instead.

ah ! OK
I am going to use this

it’s work well, I don’t know why the documentation describe the /tmp/

Thank you