Almond-Please go away

I have had my HA installation for a few years.

At one point I had Almond installed before the “Year of the Voice.”

I have since uninstalled it, but under the users Almond remains with the option to “Delete User” greyed out.

Any suggestions?

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FWIW, you cannot delete the user that is currently logged in.
Any chance you’re actually logged in as the Almond user?

Absolutely not.

The Almond Add-On is deleted as well, and I can’t reload it as it no longer exists as I was going to try that.

You may have to edit /config/.storage/auth
Be careful with this file as you may break HA

Yeah I found that file, and I can edit. The bigger problem in my mind is that this Add-On was part of HA, and the removal of that Add-On did not include the deletion of the Almond user.

That may be considered as a bug. You should open an issue on GitHub

I opened an issue on GitHub as I tried to remove the user from the Auth file and had to replace my Auth file with an original to get my system to boot again.

Git Hub Issue Link

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How did you resolve it in the end? I have exactly the same issue as you posted with the screenshot on github, just my Almond user has a different ID.

It has been a minute, but it took a few attempts to dump it. I think I reinstalled Almond. Eventually I think I ended up using a .yaml or .log file that contains the users and removing it that way. It has been almost a year so I am not sure, but I will see if I have anything else on it.

Yep so I looked and it is right in this thread what I did. The users file is located here: /config/.storage/auth

Be very careful and have a backup before you start.

Thanks Otto!
I carefully :slight_smile: removed the first entry, but there is a second one. So, obviously home assistant did not start. Backup! Backup…? mh… SMB to the rescue, the log told me the ID and I removed the second entry.

For everyone else arriving here, to remove it cleanly:

  1. open /config/.storage/auth
  2. search for the almond user, in my case it was this one (ID may differ)
        "id": "2339cd596ddf489480d8d57bbe02a0eb",
        "group_ids": [
        "is_owner": false,
        "is_active": true,
        "name": "Almond",
        "system_generated": true,
        "local_only": false
  1. take note of the ID!
  2. remove the entry and keep the json intact, like this
  3. sarch for the ID you noted above, there is also an entry for the access_token
  4. remove the entry and keep again the json intact, like this
  5. restart HA
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