Starting two weeks ago I have an almost blanc home screen. I only see a blue bar at the upper side.
Home Assistent runs in a docker container on my mac. I have removed the config directory and pulled the latest version. There is no error in in the console. Does anyone know how to solve this?
After clearing my cache, I get a connection refused. It looks like the browser retrieved the empty screen with blue bar from my cache. Good tip. Now it seems that I have to get my connection working again.
I changed my --net and port settings in my startup command, and now home assistant is working again:
docker run -d --name=“home-assistant” -v /Users/Div53/docker/homeassistent:/config --net=bridge -p homeassistant/home-assistant
Btw: I am still curious why these changes are ‘suddenly’ necessary. Anyone knows? Starting home assistant with -p 8123:8123 --net=host worked fine until two weeks ago…