I’m very much a newbie, so I hope I am able to articulate my issue accurately.
I am trying to set ESPresense up to track my kids’ Apple Watches, which are cellular versions that are paired as family watches to my iPhone. I followed various tutorials and did get the IRKs…now the problem is that I can’t figure out where to put these IRKs in Home Assistant.
Following the tutorial at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7C2QvmsM8M&t=362s and the instructions in the thread Espresense device id - how to get them? - #35 by tenly, it seems that I need to add information in the configuration.yaml. However, when I go into mine, despite having multiple integrations and devices, my yaml is practically empty. I know this is likely because I’m managing most things through the GUI, but then, is it all right for me to add those sensor lines to my almost-empty yaml, or will I be messing somethign up? Here is what my configuration.yaml looks like:
I appreciate any help anyone can give me—thanks so much in advance!