Almost empty configuration.yaml file when trying to add ESPresense

I’m very much a newbie, so I hope I am able to articulate my issue accurately.
I am trying to set ESPresense up to track my kids’ Apple Watches, which are cellular versions that are paired as family watches to my iPhone. I followed various tutorials and did get the IRKs…now the problem is that I can’t figure out where to put these IRKs in Home Assistant.
Following the tutorial at and the instructions in the thread Espresense device id - how to get them? - #35 by tenly, it seems that I need to add information in the configuration.yaml. However, when I go into mine, despite having multiple integrations and devices, my yaml is practically empty. I know this is likely because I’m managing most things through the GUI, but then, is it all right for me to add those sensor lines to my almost-empty yaml, or will I be messing somethign up? Here is what my configuration.yaml looks like:

I appreciate any help anyone can give me—thanks so much in advance!

That is completely normal.

As long as you don’t erase what’s already there or use keys that are already in use it shouldn’t cause any issues.

It isn’t required, but some users prefer to keep the base configuration.yaml file minimally populated so they split the configuration across multiple files and/or folders.