Almost there - Alexa skill unable to link account

Life saver

On my side i just:

  1. Setup a forward rule on my router for 443 → 8126 (mine was like this following some video) (keeping the 8126 → 8126rule that existed already)
  2. Set the Access Token URI to
  3. Leave Your Web Authorization URI as (without 8216)

I’m not using cloudflare, but I am using port 40390 as my external port. I’ve tried everything and I can’t link it to my account. I am totally lost on what to do. I have a mikrotik router so I can really make any firewall rule.

The external port has to be 443. No if, ands or buts!

Are you saying you cannot create a port forwarding rule on your firewall?
If so, you are SOL…

My solution was that my ISP blocks port 443. So I was doing everything correct, it’s just blocked. I will have to find another way.

If “Amazon stipulates token uri must be on port 443” as per Requirements for Account Linking for Alexa Skills | Alexa Skills Kit then these instructions at Home Assistant - Amazon Alexa Smart Home Skill must be incorrect…

Cloudflare tunnel?

Thanks for all the hints here!

In my case the fritzbox was not letting me adding a portforward rule 443->8123 to my existing 8123->8123.
In the end my solution was removing the 8123->8123 rule only using the 443->8123 which also means I do not have to use anywhere the ugly “:8123” in the url anymore - I like that as well!

(Also updated the url in the system → network settings and set it to local AND remote without the :8123)