Hi, I’m excited. Already ordered the blue in USA.
The next big step!
Has anybody executed a move from rasp3+ with conbee to the blue or something similar?
I know that HA is preinstalled. Can I just plug the conbee stick and restore an update?
I cannot imagine, that it is that simple
Will I have problems with the IP-adress when I keep the raspi online?
So many questions…
That’s what I did when I got it and moved. The only complicated bit is I don’t include the MariaDB add-on in my snapshots because its huge. I forgot about that when I moved over and had to do some manual juggling to get around that after the restore.
If you do the same try to remember to grab one backup with the MariaDB add-on before you go. Especially if you use the Nginx Proxy Manager add-on since that stores all its config in the MariaDB add-on. That was definitely the most annoying part, I didn’t really care about all the recorder data. I used to pull that data from the MariaDB add-on nightly so I had a backup of it but definitely made setup harder that way since I had to restore using mysql over SSH.
Thanks for the Tips. As I do not use an external dB, my way seem to be uncomplicated. As I’m still on an old OS 3.11 and an even old deConz (never updated because they are running without issues and in order to avoid them), I think about using the chance and update by copying the config folder and install the components manually. On the other hand, I do not have a single issue these days. OK, but this is another story.
Oh right, also there’s a size limit on the snapshot upload button on the login screen. I forget what that limit is but that was also annoying. If your snapshot is too big then you have to setup a throwaway account, go in, download the samba or ssh addon, move your snapshot into the /backups folder that way, then restore it from the supervisor menu.
So if your snapshots are a bit large, might want to make a snapshot which just contains core, config and ssh or samba. Then if your full snapshot is too big to upload you can restore the smaller one from login to get in and restore the full one once you’re inside
Ok, thanks for the hint.
As my db file has a size of 165Mb, this will not be an issue for me.
My snapshots have a size of 85 MB.
But good to know for the future.
I’m very restrictive in recording states.
Only entities with a really value add are recorded. Purge time is 7 days