just wanted to share something I pulled off when setting up some RF code switches using a Broadlink RM Pro.
The instructions in the Broadlink integration page have a process for the old e-control app, but I was able to get the code from the new IHC app on an iPhone. Even in DrZzs videos he states we couldn’t do it without an Android phone, so that might help other people or even get updated in the docs.
I found that you can get the codes from the IHC internal database and then convert them using a HEX to base64 converter online. These are the steps, assuming you already setup RF codes using the IHC app:
Backup iPhone using iTunes;
Open the backup folder using iBackupViewer (On macOS, make sure you have the latest version, I had a issue with permissions where iBackupViewer would not open the backup folder);
In the let navigation pane, locate the app name “cn.com.broadlink.econtrol.plus”;
Search for “db” and locale/export the file “Documents/econtrol.db”;
Open that with any sql lite IDE. I use DB Browser for SQLite;
Look at the data at the buttonCodeTable table, it should have one line for each code you setup. The code column have the hex strings we need to convert;
Every page has an “edit in github” link. Your changes will get reviewed by someone in the dev team, so you don’t need to worry about f***king up the documentation.
Yeah, but can you also add that you dont need to do any of that if you use the
Broadlink manager or node-red-contrib-broadlink-control node as you can learn the code straight from the remote to RM Pro or Mini, app is good if your device is in there database and works 100% and you couldnt be bothered pressing 20+ button
These instructions are awesome, and to anyone who thinks they aren’t useful because of the learn feature: learn feature does not work well when you have lost the remote.
Not sure if this will help anyone else but I came across this today as I was looking to get some codes that are on my RM Mini and were setup in the Broadlink iOS app, that I no longer have the remote for.
In the end I used broadlink_cli’s learn command and whilst that was running I used the Broadlink app and triggered the RM Mini to send the codes. I guess it must have bounced off reflective surfaces/walls and gone back into the RM Mini because it got me what I needed! Seems like a very easy solution as opposed to taking an iOS backup (I didn’t have enough space on my machine for that) or any other method.
Does anyone know if there’s a similar way to extract the existing codes from the BroadLink app on Android? In my case it’s not about IR but RF codes that I learned in both already - the app AND Home Assistant, but the ones stored in the app seem to be better and I don’t want to repeat the whole learning in HA