Alternative 433 control rc sw , new remote switch dimmer support, optional rfm69

Warning messy code ahead!! I made this for myself and I added it here in case someone else has any use of it

I never had any luck getting the original 433 control code in esphome to work the way I wanted it too so I made this This are running rc switch and NewRemoteSwitch at the same time You can either use separate transmit and receive modules or a rfm69

If u use separate modules remove this line “#define use_rfm69” in 433_switch_main.h

And set rx pin in 433_switch_main.h “#define _rx_pin 3”

And tx pin in 433_switch_tx.h “#define _tx_pin 1 ”

If you want to use rfm69 just leave this line as it is” #define use_rfm69 ” in 433_switch_main.h and just set the pins you like for the rfm69 (_rx_pin, CSNq, SCKq, MOSIq), the current pins are setup to work with a esp01

If you are getting ota upload problems or random reboots try reducing the sensitivity in rfm69_control.h “{ REG_RSSITHRESH, 240},”

-always read and follow the laws regulating 433 radios where you live-

If neccecary change the nSeparationLimit to receive the right rc switch code, 2000-12000 something Find this line in 433_switch_main.h “const uint16_t nSeparationLimit = 4300; And maybe change this in the same file “int16_t nReceiveTolerance = 80;”

I have changed NewRemoteSwitch to ignore the sync pulse and just read enough valid signals in a row, this helped me with a few wall switches that I had problems picking up signals from

This code also support NewRemoteSwitch dimmer, the light platform only support transmit
but I have added a fake dimmer with cover platform that support transmit and receive

After this just set a wifi network in the .yaml file and change the names/codes for the switches just follow the same structure to add or remove switches

I know it looks messy but its working and I hardly ever miss a signal

[18:41:24][D][text_sensor:015]: 'last sent/recieved ': Sending state 'recieved a
ddress 5804828 lenght 24 protocol 4'
[18:41:24][D][text_sensor:015]: 'last sent/recieved ': Sending state 'recieved a
ddress 5804828 lenght 24 protocol 4'
[18:41:24][D][text_sensor:015]: 'last sent/recieved ': Sending state 'recieved a
ddress 5923506 lenght 24 protocol 4'
[18:41:24][D][text_sensor:015]: 'last sent/recieved ': Sending state 'recieved a
ddress 5923506 lenght 24 protocol 4'
[18:41:29][D][text_sensor:015]: 'last sent/recieved ': Sending state 'recieved a
ddress 47542949unit 0switchType 1'
[18:41:29][D][text_sensor:015]: 'last sent/recieved ': Sending state 'recieved a
ddress 47542949unit 0switchType 1'
[18:41:29][D][light:264]: 'bedroom roof light' Setting:
[18:41:30][D][text_sensor:015]: 'last sent/recieved ': Sending state 'send addre
ss 48556258unit 1switchType 2 dimmer 15'
[18:41:30][D][switch:021]: 'livingroom roof light' Turning ON.
[18:41:30][D][switch:025]: 'nightplayer' Turning OFF.
[18:41:30][D][switch:021]: 'flower' Turning ON.
[18:41:30][D][text_sensor:015]: 'last sent/recieved ': Sending state 'send addre
ss 48556258unit 0switchType 1'
[18:41:31][D][text_sensor:015]: 'last sent/recieved ': Sending state 'send addre
ss 56327166unit 0switchType 0'
[18:41:32][D][text_sensor:015]: 'last sent/recieved ': Sending state 'send addre
ss 56384447unit 0switchType 1'
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