Alternative installation fails on Raspberry


I tried to install HassIO on my already configured raspberry with the alternativ installation of hassIO as described here: but onfortunately it doesn’t work. My system is a raspberry pi 3 with raspbian stretch lite. I have installed all the packages needed.
The script doesn’t return any error:
[Info] Install supervisor docker
[Info] Install supervisor startup scripts
[Info] Install AppArmor scripts
[Info] Run

After execution of the script, the container “hassio_supervisor” is running and has the following log:
18-08-08 18:10:58 INFO (SyncWorker_4) [hassio.docker.interface] Pull image homeassistant/armv71-homeassistant tag landingpage.
18-08-08 18:11:00 ERROR (SyncWorker_4) [hassio.docker.interface] Can’t install homeassistant/armv71-homeassistant:landingpage -> 404 Client Error: Not Found (“pull access denied for homeassistant/armv71-homeassistant, repository does not exist or may require ‘docker login’”).
18-08-08 18:11:00 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.homeassistant] Fails install landingpage, retry after 60sec

For me it sounds like the image has been renamed or something like that. Can anyone please help me?

Thanks a lot!


did you have any luck? i am having the exact same issue. checked in the service and it is has errors you listed.

Yes, I have analysed the script and changed this lines

    "arm" | "armv7l" | "armv6l")
    if [ -z $MACHINE ]; then
        echo "[ERROR] Please set machine for $ARCH"
        exit 1


"arm" | "armv7l" | "armv6l")
    if [ -z $MACHINE ]; then
        echo "[ERROR] Please set machine for $ARCH"
        exit 1

Maybe it solves your problem too.

I need to make a contribution here because you response was the start for me to resolve this same issue. The challenge is what version of compiled homeassistant docker container will work on your hardware.

For me I used the “raspberrypi3-homeassistant” docker container instead of the “armhf-homeassistant” container when modifying the code. There is no armv71-homeassistant available.

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(Not entirely the same issue, but its what comes up when you google for an error with the “Please set machine for”, so including solution here)

I resolved this by setting the machine flag for the install script:

curl -sL "" | bash -s -- -m raspberrypi3

This is detailed here: hassio-build/install at master · home-assistant/hassio-build · GitHub
I guess it just needs to know the kind of RaspberryPi it was.