I use custom:fold-entity-row to, well, fold certain entities so that I can easily access a large number of those, but hide them when they are not needed. Here is a short screen capture of the part in question.
As you can see, the dashes / separators they use are larger than the rest of the column. This is fine on the desktop (as in the video), but on the android app it causes the entire lovelace page to be scrollable sideways when the fold is open.
Is there a good alternative I could use to
tidy up my lovelace by “hiding” these entities in separate cards until needed
do so without having to create additional entities (see below)
Previously, I used conditional-card to do this. I would create input_boolean.lovelace_helper_motion, then use conditional-card to display contents only when I’d turn on that input_boolean; which worked fine, but required me to create these helpers manually whenever I needed another card like this.
I also thought about using custom:lovelace-state-switch for this, but that would also require me to manually do this. I could create an input_select entity containing climate, motion, doors & windows, and use lovelace-state-switch to display contents according to what’s selected via input_select… but again, if I wanted to add to this, I’d have to modify the input_select entitty so that whatever I add is even a choice.
(it’s not that big of a deal, but perhaps there is a different approach that might work without customly created entities)
Your vertical stack only has one fold-entity-row card in it. The next two aren’t indented far enough. They are on the same level as the stack (which probably isn’t required).
Hi, I liked the card you made, if and how to put the icon if there is a number in each category, there is a picture that I have attached, I would be happy to receive help