Alternative to irdb2broadlinkha or


Is there an alternative to GitHub - molexx/irdb2broadlinkha: Script to scrape IR codes from irdb or parse lirc configs, convert them to Broadlink and output HASS' yaml which still work?
Or another API as which is definitely down which could allow irdb2broadlinkha to still work?

I know there is SmartIR third party integration which might do the job but I don’t want to add a media player.
Even if I keep it as a solution if there is really nothing.

I though about LIRC but I really don’t understand how to know which conf fille will work for me, in my case it is a Samsung TV and there is only one in IRDB but it is not the same for LIRC.

It was a bit of a struggle and quite tedious but this is what worked for me:

  1. Get IrScrutinizer from IrScrutinizer documentation. As of 4/9/2022, make sure to use the “continuous integration” version - else, you might fall afoul of a SSL connection issue.
  2. Navigate to Import Tab → RemoteLocator (others may work, idk)
  3. Select Manufacturer, Device Type, Remote Name. Click Load.
  4. Select the function you want (i.e., PLAY/PAUSE).
  5. Click Import Signal.
  6. Let it “Jump to panel”.
  7. Go to the Export tab (not the export button!).
  8. Select Export Format: Pronto Hex Oneshot
  9. Select # repeats: 0
  10. Click Export signal.
  11. Find the file it wrote (check Export dir. in the export panel) and open it in a text editor.
  12. Get and set up GitHub - emilsoman/pronto_broadlink: Convert pronto HEX to broadlink format. You’ll need python 2 (don’t try with python 3, it will break).
  13. Replace the contents of pronto.txt with the contents of the file from IrScrutinizer you exported in step 11.
  14. Run python2
  15. There’s your broadlink base64 command.

What a journey…