Alternative to Nest thermostats

As I am having problems with the Nest Integration, I would like to explore an alternative.
What does one recommend as a good thermostat that works fine and easily integrates in HA ?
I am looking for the best and rather pay a bit more ahd have it working without issues.

Same here but let me add a couple of wish list items:

Local Control
WiFi (or better yet, ethernet!)
Able to tell if it is in heating/coolring/heating and cooling mode - blowing or not, tuned on or off, all the same settings

FYI @asbril tjhese things have helped me to make my nest thermostat more reliable:

  • Turn off 802.11r
  • On it’s own SSID
  • Only 2.4G
  • WPA2 only, not WPA3 (this made a HUGE difference)
  • Connectivity timeout maximized (to router - to 10 minutes - ugh)
  • DHCP Renewal every 10 minutes (to keep the connection alive) - everything including the Nest on static IP’s of course

Thanks. My two Nest thermostats work fine and I have not had any issue for the several years that I have had them.
The issue is that Comcast () made me change the name of my Wifi network and the thermostats no longer showed in HA. After trying multiple possible solutions, I decided to remove the Nest Integration ans re-install it. That turned out to be a disaster as I am unable to get Nest back in HA.
) As I live in a condo building, Comcast has the exclusivity for TV and Internet. Their service is an absolute disaster.

My apologies. I had comcast for a while and went to Verizon Fios, sorry you are unable to do that

I am using a Z wave Honeywell thermostat in Home Assistant and it does all of that easily the model is TH8320ZW

@mguebert do they have one that is only WiFi or even better yet - ethernet?

They do : honeywell wifi thermostat

however I am not sure which ones can be integrated, there are cloud integrations in home assistant for honeywell so I imagine at least a couple of them would work.

Am I correct that it is only battery powered and not powered with the cables from the wall ?
It shows as Red Link. Is that to mean Zwave ?
If it is Zwave then I assume that it is easy to use HA Automations ?
Thanks again

When I started this journey from my old thermostat my home did not have the power lead. I orginally replaced it with a nest learning thermostat which, if there is no power lead, “tries” to recharge it’s internal battery by ‘leaching’ some current off of the available wiring in place. This did not seem to work (about once a month it would also go offline because the internal battery ran out of juice) so what I did was down in the basement disconnect the old wiring from the furnace, get a length with the additional lead taped to the end of the old wiring and just pull them through from the thermostat end.

My main issue with the idiotic Nest Learning Thermostat was connectivity (I had to give it its own ssid, make sure the channel didn’t overlap with anything else, ensure that I had 802.11r turned off, 5Ghz turned off, use WPA2 instead of WPA3, moved any other 2.4 gigahertz devices such as an old wireless landline phone far away, then also even five feet away installed another WAP, NONE of which made it bulletproof as far as connectivity - that’s why I would LOVE to have something that’s based on Ethernet (POE possibly even better!) and pull the ethernet cable right through the wall like it did once before and then I KNOW connectivity will not go away…?

I just wish that I could get a solution for my Nest thermostats to work again with HA. I never had a power or any other issue with the Nest until I had the wifi issue.
So now my question is whether the Honeywell thermostat can take power from the wiring.