Am I losing my damn mind? How is this possible? What am I missing?

Edit: I am a complete imbecile. My username is extremely accurate. I would delete this post out of embarrassment, but maybe it’ll make someone else feel better about their brain refusing to work also. The only thing I can think of is when I saw 67, I only focused on the 7, and 69 is less than 70, so… something? I quit. :crazy_face:

I noticed it was cold in my basement, and the baseboard heater was not on. Checked the automation - hasn’t run since yesterday afternoon. No traces available. Automation triggers if:
{{ states(‘sensor.basement_temperature_temperature’) | float < states(‘sensor.basement_current_target_temperature’) | float }}

If the temperature on the temp sensor is less than the current target, turn on.

But it wasn’t.

So I plugged this into Developer Tools->Template:

{{ states('sensor.basement_temperature_temperature') | float }}
{{ states('sensor.basement_current_target_temperature') | float }}
{{ states('sensor.basement_temperature_temperature') | float < states('sensor.basement_current_target_temperature') | float }}
{{ states('sensor.basement_temperature_temperature') | float > states('sensor.basement_current_target_temperature') | float }}

And this is the output I got:


What the heck? How is that possible? How is 69.21 greater than 67.0??


Well, 69 is greater than 67 :joy:


How is this possible?

Yup, definitely losing your mind :stuck_out_tongue: /s

[edit] - we’ve all been there. Staring at an automation for so long that down becomes up :slight_smile:


OMFG. I legit stared at this for 30 minutes before posting this. At least I’m not alone. My brain is CLEARLY not firing on all cylinders today.

I need a nap.


Or more gasoline :stuck_out_tongue: