Amazon Alexa Media Player integration update made Alexa devices unavailable

I’m having issues after recently accepting the latest Alexa Media Player update v4.7.6.

All of the Alexa devices like Echo Dot Gen 5, Echo Dot Gen 4 and Echo Show Gen 2 were working fine before the upgrade to the latest release but now they are all showing ‘Unavailable’.

I am using HASSOS image on a Raspberry Pi 4. Any advice appreciated. Thanks.

AMP 4.7.7 is out. This might fix it.

There is a problem here with Alexa Media Player custom-components. The last_called attribute is returning Unavailable even with version 4.7.7

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As has been covered on the Alexa Media Player Github, Amazon effectively turned off the API endpoint that the Alexa Media Player integration uses to get that information… this is not the first time they have made a change that breaks the integration.

There are people trying to find a fix, but there’s no guarantee that will be possible. Even if it is, it may break again or be so slow as to be practically useless for some of the things we have used it for in the past.

This integration has always been based on an unofficial API and subject to the whims of Amazon… it’s literally the first thing said in the Read Me.


A fix that is working for me was posted on Github 6 hours ago on a fork of the alexa_media_player repo. It restores the function of the alexa_media.update_last_called and notify.alexa_media_last_called services…

Awesome. Thanks for your responses. All good now.