Hi all,
I’m fllowing this guide to configure Alexa on HA.
It was previously working on haaska, then it stopped to work, so I’ve decided to start from new with the official setup here:
All went well, the test script too. But as soon I need enable and link the Skill, I got an error on the Alexa App It’s not possible to link the Skill at this time. Just before the link procedure I can see the login page works and if I use wrong credentials it’s noticed and I got errors. But using right credentials, this error appears.
Hi there, no news?
Sorry, but seems all configured perfectly and cannot understood if the problem is related to my setup or to amazon servers (Location Italy - amazon.it)
Not that it helps but I get exactly the same thing, all tests perfectly with long lived access token but when trying to enable it gives the at this time error.
After reading a load of threads on github it looks like no one is particularly bothered about fixing this for european use so I recreated Haaska using the most recent how to and it worked perfectly straight away. Not going to waste any more time on the HA version until I here something more definite, suggest you do the same
Hello @Bobby_Nobble!
I was opening the notification thread to suggest you the same
Like you, yesterday I’ve moved back to haaska successfully !
Thanks for sharing btw!
Cheers, simon