Amazon Alexa Smart home skills Home Assistant

It’s probably coming next release. I’m anxious to try it out too!! :slight_smile:

But what’s the difference with emulated_hue?

I’m assuming it’ll be like the HA Alexa intents but a proper skill so you can do loads more with it but you won’t have to bother with AWS yourself.

More like the new Goggle one but without any of the buggering about and as simple as emulated_hue. I’m guessing a lot of people who jumped the Alexa ship to Google recently may be coming back again :slight_smile:

what are you referring to?

I hope she can talk :wink:

All the setup etc that you’ve just done to get Google Assistant to work.

Any news on this? I hope this will be available in Canada.

guys, if you want this now then I recommend installing Haaska

it works fine whilst we wait for the official version…

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I jumped ship to google home and came back to amazon… Google Home only allows ONE unpublished Action (skill) active at one time and its only active for 24hrs… so no good for us hobbie chaps!

@Angelo_Santagata it seems you have tried haaska. May I know if I add fan or TV to a Alexa-enabled smart home group, can I control them by saying “Alexa, turn on fan” in a room and it will only turn on the fan in that room? (I hope you understand what I meant). With emulated Hue, I can only do that with lights.

He’s using haaska, bit longer to wait for the smart home skill. Chatter on github has gone quiet so fingers crossed for a special Christmas present :gift:


I’m pretty sure it’s coming tomorrow too. Especially since I believe this is the last release of the year. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

@masterkenobi , Alas I dont have any fans so I cant test it out, but looking at the git repo (, the docs, and code, do indicate that things like Fans are supported.

I know @Bobby_Nobble Bobby_Nobble and @Jer78 are hinting that HA will have HACloud soon, (whoop whoop), if this arrives then Id wait for that. The install docs for Haaska are a little out of date and it took me a few goes to work out the differences…

Lets hope for a cool Xmas Present!

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Seems like the cloud service will be released with 0.60 as the cloud docs have been recently updated and tagged for the next release:


the 0.60.0 blogpost to be commited confirms this:

Today we’re introducing the next step in the Home Assistant saga: the Home Assistant Cloud. The goal of the Home Assistant Cloud is to bridge the gap between your local Home Assistant instance and services in the cloud while delivering the maximum possible security and privacy.

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No sign of the skill anywhere but Amazon US yet :frowning:

So it seems that it will be free until the 1st of March. After that, it will cost $5/month.

Well, I hope you guys in the US enjoy it, think of everyone else who’s been left out :slight_smile:

@Bobby_Nobble I’m in Canada and we don’t have it either but then again we just got Alexa so I’m still using my US account until the features catch up.

With that said, if emulated_hue worked for me still, I’d just keep that as I don’t see myself paying $5 ($7 CAD) a month for this. It definitely won’t pass the Wife Acceptance Factor. She will veto that monthly expense! Too bad, I’d like to contribute but it’s just not a realistic price for open source software.

Hopefully the devs will reconsider. I mean, I understand there’s lots of time and work involved but $5 is a bit much. $1-2 is more reasonable. I pay $3 a month for a Ring camera with 6 months video storage. How is it this cloud solution costs more than that???

I agree on this. Seems to be a nice feature but 60$/year is quite a lot.