Amazon Echo Plus temperature sensor

Hello guys,
Does anyone know how to show the temperature sensor of Amazon Echo Plus? I’m sure the device has a sensor, but I really can’t figure it out how to configure on HA.


It’s not possible at the moment. You can ask the developers of the custom: alexa_media_player to add it.

Hey all, has this been made possible yet? I’ve only just discovered my echo 4th gen has a temp sensor but i don’t know how to add it to the dashboard.

It was added to the custom:alexa_media_player 8 days ago. You have to click on the previous link and add the custom integration.

Sorry i’m very new to this, I’ve tried to add alexa_media, but i keep getting this error message…

'Looking for Something?

We’re sorry. The Web address you entered is not a functioning page on our site.’

Start by installing HACS and then find the custom integration through the community portal thats created (after installing HACS).

Thanks, i’ve already done that, now i’ve accidently managed to add alex_media so i can view playing media and devices linked to my echo, However it isn’t showing the temp in the entities.

I’ve got it, finished reading the alexa_media_player/wiki#what-it-does and sorted it. Thanks so much for your help!

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Sorry for not getting back to you, was out for a run

No worries, thank you for your time. I’m on to my next task now. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello again, Sorry to be a pain the arse. I’ve just picked up a Echo Plus 2nd Gen that also has a Temp sensor in it, however it isn’t showing on the Entities, any ideas or assistance greatly appreciated.

edit: Sorry, the device is showing, however unlike the 4th gen, it isn’t showing the temp entity for the 2nd gen.

Sorry to revive this thread, I found this thread trying to get temperature info from my Alexa devices and then found info that may be helpful. In the Alexa Media Player Documentation regarding temperature sensors:

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