Amazon Logistics Package Tracking

I’d like to track my incoming packages in Home Assistant. I know there are components for USPS, UPS, and FedEx which covers a lot of the packages I have delivered. The only one missing is Amazon Logistics, which is an ever increasing delivery source. Has anyone found a way to automatically track these packages?

Did you have an progress on this? I would like the same thing.


Nope, couldn’t find a solution.

is there an API?

Not that I am aware of.

Found this post on reddit where amazon packages can be tracked by gmail. Hope this is helpful.

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im interested too

HI, Any news on this ?
I would love to track Amazon Logistics as well

There is : Delivery Tracker | Amazon Pay

Bumping an old post but here is video an HACS addon: Track Your Packages in Home Assistant // Mail & Package Integration - YouTube

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Has anyone found any solutions other than the mail reader? I would be very interested