Amazon picture processing, no file saved?

Hey guys,
i got my amazon picture processing set up.
But it does not save the processed file ?


  - platform: amazon_rekognition

    aws_access_key_id: *****

    aws_secret_access_key: *****

    region_name: eu-west-1 # optional region, default is us-east-1

    save_file_folder: /share # Optional image storage

    save_timestamped_file: True # Set True to save timestamped images, default False

    confidence: 90

    roi_x_min: 0.35 # optional, range 0-1, must be less than roi_x_max

    roi_x_max: 0.8 # optional, range 0-1, must be more than roi_x_min

    roi_y_min: 0.4 # optional, range 0-1, must be less than roi_y_max

    roi_y_max: 0.8 # optional, range 0-1, must be more than roi_y_min


      - entity_id: camera.husky_air_d53127471

I tried to change the folder to /tmp /share etc … got nothing.
any ideas on why ? or the code is not good ?


error was that it does not save the picture if you’re set confidence level isn’t met.