I’d love to see the additional enhancements to the speech enabled for polly. Such as speed and softness.
Sample SSML
This is how I speak normally. (none)
I can speak in a higher pitched voice, or I can speak in a lower pitched voice. <speak>I can speak in a <prosody pitch="high">higher pitched voice</prosody>, or I can speak <prosody pitch="low">in a lower pitched voice</prosody></speak>
I can speak really slowly, or I can speak really fast. <speak>I can speak <prosody rate="x-slow">really slowly</prosody>, or I can speak <prosody rate="x-fast">really fast</prosody></speak>
I can also speak very loudly, or I can speak very quietly. <speak>I can also speak <prosody volume="x-loud">very loudly</prosody>, or I can speak <prosody volume="x-soft">very quietly</prosody>. </speak>