Amazon Polly TTS Configuration Error - Successful config (partial) tts.amazon_polly:

Hey there,

I have a problem with my configuration.yaml and can’t figure my errors.

Config check gives me:
Successful config (partial) tts.amazon_polly:

my entry in configuration.yaml:

  - platform: amazon_polly
    aws_access_key_id: !secret AMAZON_POLLY_ACCESS_KEY_ID
    aws_secret_access_key: !secret AMAZON_POLLY_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
    region_name: 'eu-central-1'
    voice: Hans
    name: Hans

I also checked the file with - valid!

What am I missing?

Thank you for your time

anyone? :tired_face:


try without “region_name” & “name” !

1 Like

Thanks!! that worked fine!


i cant get mine to show up in services what am i doing wrong mine looks just like the above minus the name and region