I have Amazon Polly working in English. I know Google tts can configure another language in the service. My question is, how do I use Amazon Polly with multiple languages? Thanks
A solution (dirty hack) for multiple voices is to put the code here core/homeassistant/components/amazon_polly at dev · home-assistant/core · GitHub in custom_components folder, and rename the plugin to say, amazon_polly_local.
You can namethe folder: amazon_polly_local, containing these files: init.py pycache const.py manifest.json tts.py
Manifest can be something like:
"domain": "amazon_polly_local",
"name": "Amazon Polly Local",
"codeowners": [],
"version": "0.0.1",
"documentation": "https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/amazon_polly",
"iot_class": "cloud_push",
"loggers": ["boto3", "botocore", "s3transfer"],
"requirements": ["boto3==1.20.24"]