I have a bunch of these Amazon wifi thermostats. They are actually pretty good for the price, however I can’t figure out how a HA integration for these.
Did you ever get anywhere with this idea. I have two amazon thermostats and have thought about fiddling with HA but less excited if I can’t connect my thermostats. I was also wondering if a hack-y connection to change atleast the temperature was possible with using an Alexa skill. But I haven’t tried any method yet.
With Alexa Media Player, you can send custom commands to your Alexa devices.
Using a “Number” helper to select a temp to set, you can send a command to Alexa Media Player that will set the temp on the Amazon Smart Thermostat.
service: media_player.play_media
media_content_type: custom
media_content_id: Set thermostat to {{ states('input_number.set_thermostat_temperature')|string }}
entity_id: media_player.my_echo_dot
alias: Set the thermostat temperature
While sending commands will work via the media player, has anyone figured our how to display thermostat info in HA? Ideally I would have a card just like the regular thermostat card to enable control.
would be interested too!
Me too, not sure if this is a popular thermostat or if anyone is working on a possible integration. I’m yet to try the Alexa Media Player option for setting temperature, but would be great to have it as a regular thermostat. I have 1 Amazon Thermostat and an ecobee lite, since I bought them at different times; I’m using HA to consolidate nearly 10 “smart apps”…Amazon Thermostat (and Air Quality Monitor) are among the ones I’m still to figure out.
I also have 2 amazon thermostats and am interested…
I have 5 of these.
Anybody come up with some integration ideas?
Thank you for this! I have been doing something similar for my Wyze thermostats, but I did a clunkier version. I created an Alexa routine to do the temp change via a custom command and used HA media player to simply trigger that routine. I hadn’t thought of actually passing the custom command itself through HA. Thanks!
I have 8, was planning to use Hubitat, missed the part it works only from Hubitat to Alexa and not other way around -:), will be interested to see any developmments
I also have one of these. Im new to home assistant but so far it has been awesome. Being able to combined so many devices and apps into one single platform of control is just amazing. I would love to see if anyone develops anything related to this. Ive looked into changing the thermostat just because it doesnt work with HA
You can connect your Amazon thermostat to Home Assistant with Homebridge: https://homebridge.io/
After you have Homebridge up and running, add the Alexa Smarthome plugin and use it to add the Amazon thermostat to Homebridge: GitHub - joeyhage/homebridge-alexa-smarthome: Connect Alexa devices to HomeKit
The thermostat should now show up as a HomeKit device on your network. Use the HomeKit Device integration in Home Assistant to add the thermostat as an Apple HomeKit device. The thermostat will then be fully integrated in Home Assistant. It works really well.
I even took it a step further and used the Google Assistant integration in Home Assistant to add the thermostat to Google Home, which enables voice control from Google Assistant. So Alexa>Homebridge>HomeKit> Home Assistant>Google Home. Matter support would be nice but oh well.
Can you use the thermostats totally offline once you have that all setup or you still need to have it connected to the internet so that amazon/alexa account will stay logged in?
Thank you for this post it got me as far as i am, but I’m stuck! I have gotten as far as seeing the thermostat in apple home but cannot figure out how to get it from apple home into home assistant. any help would be great!
Hi @Bonjei15 thank you for providing a bit of instructions to help folks along!
The part where I get stuck is I can easily see my Amazon Thermostat inside of Homebridge > Accessories dashboard. However, I’m unclear as to how to make it show up in Home Assistant. I can easily add the bridge to Home Assistant but for some reason I never get the thermostat entity added in. I even try to add the “HomeKit Device” in Home Assistant but it never shows my thermostat. I was hoping you can clarify your section that I quoted above and hopefully provide a bit more context as to specifically how to get the thermostat to show up in Home Assistant. Thanks again!
Feel free to ignore my post above. Once I stopped trying to use Docker port forwarding only a select few key ports and changed over to “HOST” for networking, Home Assistant was easily able to see the thermostat from Homebridge. Thanks for the notes!
Hey, could you explain on this a bit more i’m having the same issue and can’t figure it out for the life of me.
I left the networking: host line alone in docker compose file. In the beginning I tried to limit specific ports to be forwarded but gave up and just used host instead.
Hey, quick question. I’ve got errors showing up on my HomeBridge console pretty much filling it up. It doesn’t seem like an invalid response. Is there somewhere I can tell HB that it doesn’t support this state?
[homebridge-alexa-smarthome] Thermostat - Get power - InvalidResponse(State not available)