I am new to Home Assistant and in need of some help. I purchased an Ambient Weather Station as it was supposed to be easily integrated into home assistant but that doesn’t seem to be the case for me. I went to my page for ambient weather and got the API key and the Application key and when i copy and paste them in Home Assistant says invalid API key. What am i missing here? I have google and forum searched this and come up blank. Seems everyone had issues a few years ago but nothing recent and the old fixes no longer work. Thanks in Advance for any help with this!
I am having the same problem. I (just last week) purchased home weather monitoring system through Ambient Weather and spent ~$700. Thus far, I cannot get the Home Assistant integration to work at all. Keep getting Invalid API Key, even after waiting an hour per other recommendations on previous forum posts/reddit posts, etc.
I sent Ambient Weather an email about it when i first made this post and havent heard a word back from them. If you find out anything please let me know!
Ok I’m not sure what happened but I decided to try and add it again today and it worked like it should. Used the api key and application key that I tried to use several days ago but they worked as they should now.
I cannot get the API and application key to work. My weather station had been connected until I updated the HA core. When it stopped working, I deleted the integration and added it again. I got the two keys from the Ambient site, at the bottom of my account page. I have tried repeatedly what seems like it should work (given the advice above), but no luck. Spinning circle for 5 minutes or so and then fail. I am puzzled by the Ambient instructions. Generating the API key is quite clear, but the application key button has above it the statement that it is for “Developers.” I don’t think I am a developer, so I am wondering if there is some other way to generate the application key. Of course there may be some other problem with my HA that I am unaware of. I realize I am resurrecting an old thread, but the discussion here seemed more relevant than I have seen elsewhere.
My kid got it working by using the below script. For some reason it started working again after it was run. You’ll obviously need to fill in your API and application keys.
from pprint import pprint
from ambient_api.ambientapi import AmbientAPI
station = client.get_devices()[0]
data = station.get_data()
I’m trying this now but I can’t figure out that APPLICATION KEY.
Ambient Weather doesn’t show the application key in my settings account. How do I get this?
I’m in the same boat… and as you’ve probably found, sometimes the HASS documentation is a little lacking in detail and steps.
I’m assuming that the Application Key is the Label field based on the parentheses.
But who knows?!?!
Got it to work. Someone posted somewhere that you have to first create an API Key (1), give it a Label (2), then at the bottom go ahead and click the link to generate an Application Key (3). That actually shows up as a new API Key, but with (application key) after the label (that you should label (4) the same as the previous line/label so you have that pair…
I had to wait about 5 minutes before I could successfully add the integration with those values.
For me, it seemed that the API key and Application key were reversed. When I swapped them in the HA create integration dialog box, it worked.
Thank you for this answer! This has been driving me nuts! I gave it a half hour to be sure and it worked. Nothing about the process or the instructions is intuitive.
Thanks for this. Adding the labels worked for me, as well.
Good grief, what a bloomin’ nightmare. Hope the cost and effort is worth it.
Thanks for the insight, like others this was driving me nuts.
I tried most of these and it wasn’t working and eventually just waited overnight to try again. At which point it just worked like nothing was wrong. I suspect AmbientWeather adds new API keys into their key management system in batches and you just have to wait a while for them to be activated. Could also be an anti-DDoS security feature that adds a delay.