Ambient Weather available locally now. Integration anyone?

Also Stuck. installed integration and add on, configured my station, can see the data in the logs, but no sensors appear.

2024-02-03 13:23:46.487 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.awnet_local] MAC address not in correct format. Parsed MAC: 5D0C5E40C01A1480AE58D4BF3F4891CC. Expected formats: 000000000000, 00:00:00:00:00:00, 00-00-00-00-00-00 or 0000.0000.0000

it appears the mac is no longer being sent in the string. It’s now a passkey, also firmware version is passed along now. - - [03/Feb/2024 13:33:56] "GET ?&PASSKEY=5D0C5E40C01A1480AE58D4BF3F4891CC&stationtype=AMBWeatherPro_V5.1.5&dateutc=2024-02-03+18:33:55&tempf=35.4&humidity=38&windspeedmph=6.93&windgustmph=9.17&maxdailygust=10.29&winddir=352&uv=2&solarradiation=299.77&hourlyrainin=0.000&eventrainin=0.000&dailyrainin=0.000&weeklyrainin=0.142&monthlyrainin=0.039&yearlyrainin=6.598&totalrainin=16.110&battout=1&tempinf=64.0&humidityin=43&baromrelin=29.710&baromabsin=29.840 HTTP/1.1" 200 0

I see the mac address override in the config for this situation, but it won’t take the mac, i get an error.

Failed to save add-on configuration, does not match regular expression ^(?:[a-f0-9]{2}[\.\-:]?){5}[a-f0-9]{2}$. Got {'log_level': 'WARNING', '-passkey_override': '5D0C5E40C01A1480AE58D4BF3F4891CC', 'passkey_override': '08:3A:8D:DE:D4:B5'}

ugh, lowercase letters only in the override field :person_facepalming:

its working now, I have all the sensors populating.

Any success? I have WS-2902A and using the app you’ve mentioned I was able to upgrade firmware and set custom webserver.

However I am not getting anything after installing GitHub - neilenns/ambientweather2mqtt: Converts Ambient Weather data to MQTT events

Anyone has better luck?

@Shiftylilbastrd Hi! I’m the developer for this integration and add-on. Did you ever get this figured out? It looks like your custom server config is proper based on the phone screenshot. I don’t see any evidence in the linked logs of the station sending data though. What it does look like is there are requests from a browser or some other device trying to browse to the AWNET to HASS port. Typically the AWNET device would send a full get request with PASSKEY data in it (e.g. /?PASSKEY=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx&...). Is the IP address correct and is the station able to get through any firewall that may be in place?

Hey, while you’re on here…can you give us some tips on troubleshooting? I had it working for a long while, but lately it’s been flaking out and I can’t figure out what’s up.

I verified the weather station is on wifi (can see a DHCP lease), but I can’t figure out how to see if traffic is even getting to Home Assistant.

Also, I could swear there was a container running to listen, but I can’t seem to find anything on my Home Assistant, and I don’t know how to check it.

So it’d be great to have a playbook like “verify this, here’s how, etc” since there are so many moving parts for the local setup.

There are two components to getting this to work: a custom integration that can be installed from HACS (instructions in the README and an add-on to install from my custom repository. I don’t cover instructions on how to install HACS or custom add-on repositories because that information can be found elsewhere and I have put links to it in the README files. Once both components are installed and running, update the weather station to point to the right address.

The condensed list of instructions to setup is:

  • install the add-on
  • install the custom integration
  • restart HA
  • setup the custom integration
  • start the add-on
  • adjust the weather station to point to HA server on the specified port (details in the add-on docs)
  • look for sensors to show up under the integration

For troubleshooting connectivity, you can change the log levels on the add-on and inspect the logs for traffic. If adjusted to INFO level, it should output a log message every time that it receives data. The add-on will also produce warning/error messages when the setup with HA is not correct.

If you have performed the following steps above and don’t see any log messages, then checking that the traffic can get there is the next step. Double-check the settings in the weather station, too.

Feel free to upload logs and screenshots of the settings or open a GitHub issue with those details, and I’ll be happy to look further.