@davel4wa - It’s the “aioambient” connection that is failing for some reason (in your syslog)…
I have the same issue so it is not you, I think it is AmbientWeather, but not sure. I also send data to other places with a daemon of my own other than the standard integrations with HA, and the console to HA message (or is it to ambientweather and HA also listens? Not Sure how the integration works). Anyway the last successful message in in my syslog was:
pi@kruse-pi:~$ sudo grep 'baromrelin' /usr/share/hassio/share/syslog | tail -1
Apr 17 10:02:23 kruse-pi homeassistant[603]: #033[32m2023-04-17 10:02:23.298 INFO (MainThread) [aioambient] Received packet MESSAGE data 2["data",{"dateutc":1681740120000,"tempinf":73.9,"humidityin":44,"baromrelin":29.43,"baromabsin":29.557,"tempf":53.2,"battout":1,"humidity":99,"winddir":231,"windspeedmph":0,"windgustmph":0,"maxdailygust":4.5,"hourlyrainin":0,"eventrainin":0,"dailyrainin":0.012,"weeklyrainin":0.012,"monthlyrainin":0.752,"totalrainin":34.87,"solarradiation":84.93,"uv":0,"temp1f":72.1,"humidity1":48,"batt1":1,"batt_co2":1,"feelsLike":53.2,"dewPoint":52.93,"feelsLike1":71.3,"dewPoint1":51.3,"feelsLikein":73.1,"dewPointin":50.6,"lastRain":"2023-04-17T09:00:00.000Z","tz":"America/New_York","date":"2023-04-17T14:02:00.000Z","macAddress":"E8:DB:84:E6:D0:B0"}]#033[0m
That was the last successful message, at 10:02am EST. Now, instead of the above, I am getting these:
Apr 17 16:50:03 kruse-pi homeassistant[603]: #033[32m2023-04-17 16:50:03.249 INFO (MainThread) [aioambient] Attempting WebSocket connection to wss://rt2.ambientweather.net/socket.io/?api=1&applicationKey=######################################&transport=websocket&EIO=3#033[0m
Apr 17 16:50:03 kruse-pi homeassistant[603]: #033[32m2023-04-17 16:50:03.349 INFO (MainThread) [aioambient] Connection failed, new attempt in 5.50 seconds#033[0m
Apr 17 16:50:08 kruse-pi homeassistant[603]: #033[32m2023-04-17 16:50:08.845 INFO (MainThread) [aioambient] Attempting WebSocket connection to wss://rt2.ambientweather.net/socket.io/?api=1&applicationKey=######################################&transport=websocket&EIO=3#033[0m
Apr 17 16:50:08 kruse-pi homeassistant[603]: #033[32m2023-04-17 16:50:08.936 INFO (MainThread) [aioambient] Connection failed, new attempt in 4.58 seconds#033[0m
Apr 17 16:50:13 kruse-pi homeassistant[603]: #033[32m2023-04-17 16:50:13.517 INFO (MainThread) [aioambient] Attempting WebSocket connection to wss://rt2.ambientweather.net/socket.io/?api=1&applicationKey=######################################&transport=websocket&EIO=3#033[0m
Apr 17 16:50:13 kruse-pi homeassistant[603]: #033[32m2023-04-17 16:50:13.607 INFO (MainThread) [aioambient] Connection failed, new attempt in 4.56 seconds#033[0m
Apr 17 16:50:18 kruse-pi homeassistant[603]: #033[32m2023-04-17 16:50:18.174 INFO (MainThread) [aioambient] Attempting WebSocket connection to wss://rt2.ambientweather.net/socket.io/?api=1&applicationKey=######################################&transport=websocket&EIO=3#033[0m
Apr 17 16:50:18 kruse-pi homeassistant[603]: #033[32m2023-04-17 16:50:18.300 INFO (MainThread) [aioambient] Connection failed, new attempt in 4.91 seconds#033[0m
Apr 17 16:50:23 kruse-pi homeassistant[603]: #033[32m2023-04-17 16:50:23.208 INFO (MainThread) [aioambient] Attempting WebSocket connection to wss://rt2.ambientweather.net/socket.io/?api=1&applicationKey=######################################&transport=websocket&EIO=3#033[0m
Apr 17 16:50:23 kruse-pi homeassistant[603]: #033[32m2023-04-17 16:50:23.304 INFO (MainThread) [aioambient] Connection failed, new attempt in 5.26 seconds#033[0m
As mentioned above I have a weewx daemon running also and I have HA (I should use MQTT as this is kludgy but) scraping a couple different logs to update template command line sensors set up to capture my weather transmissions to a varety of locations all over the world from my weather station, and those are updating fine - in addition to what AmbientWeather offers out of the box - so theres nothing wrong with the weather station or our setups -
the first rectangle is typically updated every minute - and the others which are working fine, transmit in each time shown:
Lastly, for example, the AWEKAS website in Germany (from the list above) is showing they are getting and posting the data in near-real time (here is the link) - so this I think might be an AmbientWeather issue…?