Try url to file instead of path
Look at docs example again
file should be image i believe
path: "/path/to/file.ext"
url: "http://[url to image file]"
path: “/path/to/file.ext”
this working for me you are right
So now only 2 issues i have left :
image not working in PC via Hass.agent
i would like to show the RTSP of the camera on my tablet using fully kiosk, cant really understand how to make the RTSP stream to pop up on the entire screen when some on hit the button
service: notify.sagi_pc
message: hi
image: /config/www/camsnapshot/cameradoor.png
this is how i set it up and below is the results :
regarding the notify action , the link is to open a link to a dashboard.
I want the front door tablet to popup the RTSP stream on the entire tablet automatically when the button is pressed using the fully kiosk integration .
fully kiosk browser integration
There may be better method but I not sure. Kiosks aren’t interesting and all tablets are terrible (after nexus 7) so I stop this and look at voice control
I dont think i can help with this. I see Rest api so maybe possible notification can call rest API that make fully kiosk launch to video but you may need to ask other details for making that work
I may look at it in a few days if i get times. Never use it so id have to read on how it works and what is possible
Thank you i know it was a little of topic but thought i give it a go.
Also if you have some inputs regarding the PC notification using hass i would love to hear
Try https link instead of local file
What notification method are you using for PC? Html5 push? What you have looks correct so im guessing the image is not found and just ignored so testing with https link will answer that.
I posted many exampl here if you need
Since message goes through problem is image or formatting of image attachment in message. Format looks OK
Do you mean with the original link i posted like that ? :
If so it doesn’t work as well .
service: notify.my_pc
message: hi
title: hello
image: http://admin:[email protected]/cgi-bin/snapshot.cgi
Try externally accessible link
Not local file or local ip and https
Not sure how to get such link
Does your HA install have https for access?
If so the photo should be at https://yourhA/cameradoor.png
i do have a link for remote access .
But it doesn’t work …
I tried the below 2 options:
message: hello.
message: hello.
Can you use browser to access the link?
If not then link is incorrect.
Also, your example was for but I asking for notify.pc.
for your 1st question no it doesn’t work in a browser (tried both link like above).
regarding the example i just tried it out it also doesn’t work for PC.
So if my link is incorrect. any idea what am i doing wrong and what can i change ?
i tested files located in www folder of config can be accessed externally at https://server/local/file
test in browser then test as notification to PC
Yes… this is working for me .
So only android tv notification is left
Same link will work for androitv
Yes finally all notifications are working for me thank you so much for all you help