Amcrest Camera Configuration


I’m a complete newbie to Home Assistant. I bought an amcrest zencam and set it up on the official app, but I’d like to get it set up using Home Assistant. I installed Home Assistant to a VM and added a generic camera using the configuration.yaml. That seems to work fine, but when I switch to using the built-in Amcrest integration, I get the following error when I click on it in the overview:

This entity ("camera.officecamera") does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed from the UI. See the documentation for more detail.

I also checked the logs and I see the following error:

Logger: amcrest.http
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/amcrest/
First occurred: 5:19:33 PM (9 occurrences)
Last logged: 5:21:56 PM

<None:None> Trying again due to error: ConnectionError(ProtocolError('Connection aborted.', RemoteDisconnected('Remote end closed connection without response')))

Here is the entry for the camera in the configuration.yaml

  - host: 192.x.x.x
    port: 554
    username: admin
    password: password
    name: OfficeCamera
    resolution: low
    stream_source: rtsp
    - motion_detected
    - audio_detected

Does anyone know what the issue could be?

My amcrest camera stopped working in home assistant with the amcrest integration within the last week or so, not sure what the issue is.

In the logs i now get

2021-09-08 20:07:41 ERROR (MainThread) [] Error requesting stream: Camera is off

however the camera is definitely on and working.

You may get better luck using the dahua integration (which also works with amcrest).

Instructions here:

It requires HACS.

Thanks for the tip! Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like my camera is supported.
I ended up using motioneye and it’s working pretty great.
It does use a lot of CPU though, but I only intend to have two cameras so I guess my rpi4 should be enough.

This worked well for my IP5M-B1186E (not included on the “Known supported cameras” list

I’m having a ton of issues to integrate my Amcrest with the basic HA integration, and this DAHUA one doesn’t work either. It works via RTSP well but I’m redirecting all 80 to 443 so maybe this is causing some trouble.

But I want to focus on the RTSP thing

So I found a good idea on moving to something like Motioneye, I completely forgot about this option
But to make it even better I think that I’m going to go with Frigate Add-on. It’s the motioneye 2.0

I have my Amcrest cameras using the Generic camera integration. All you have to do is enter the RTSP feed into the correct line during configuration and thats it. That would be the only input into the configuration.
I also use Frigate. Both without issues.

@Rich37804 I am interested in using Amcrest doorbell camera using generic camera integration. I dont know to setup ‘Stream Source’. (rtsp) may be. The only information I have about my camera is it’s ip and login credentials. Can you please tell how you setup your feed source e.g. what port and etc? my scouce will be like this? : rtsp://
Or what port I should add at the end? I tried adding port 80 and 554 but still no luck. Not sure if I have to forward these port to what?