AMCREST Camera - control_light / Video off

I would like to turn the AMCREST camera ON/OFF. Not able to accomplish this, perhaps I am missing something.

I am running my Amcrest cameras IP5M-T1273EW-AI through QVR Pro. This camera does not seem to have a privacy_mode available. With QVR Pro, I can start/stop recordings. However, the LED lights remain on and camera continues streaming.

  • AMCREST INTEGRATION STATES - control_light boolean (optional, default: true) - Automatically control the camera’s indicator light, turning it on if the audio or video streams are enabled, and turning it off if both streams are disabled.

Through Amcrest integration, I can disable Audio, but not video. I can turn the recordings off and motion recording off, But this still has a live stream. So LEDS remain ON and camera continues streaming.

The camera integration has a service Turn Off.

  • It Completes with an error: Stopped because an error was encountered at March 28, 2022, 12:26:55 PM (runtime: 8.72 seconds) - can’t set attribute

BUT, it turns off the LEDS, setting the IR light in AMCREST to off. Video Stream is still live. Starting recording again with QVR Pro resets the LEDS to AUTO.

Would like to at minimum turn off LEDS. Ideally, turn off the video stream and LEDS. Any means of doing this through AMCREST? QVR Pro? of Camera (without error)? Am I missing something?

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