Amcrest Camera no audio

I have configured my Amcrest camera according to the documentation. However, there is no audio coming from the camera in HA. Is it normal? I want to use this as a baby monitor so audio is crucial in that application. Does Amcrest platform support audio coming from the camera along with the video? My camera is IP3M-941

I have the same issues with the IP2M-841B. Audio works fine on the app, web interface, and even streaming directly from the camera with VLC, but no audio at all when streaming on HA. I’ve tried using the ‘amcrest.enable_audio’ service with no affect. I have not yet tried to switch my configuration to use the ‘camera’ component (vice the ‘amcrest’ component).

@uncleA, were you able to figure it out?

Chalk another one up to the same thing… would love to see this fixed. I would suggest to file a bug report.

@ztrglider no, I did not figure this out. I stopped using it and went back to using app for monitoring instead

Has anybody sorted this out? I’m also looking for a local IP camera to put into HA that can be used as a baby monitor. I’ve not bought one yet, but was leaning towards Amcrest.

Does the RTSP stream maybe provide audio unlike MJPEG or snapshot?

currently stream does not support audio, someone needs to add support for it.

I also have an amcrest wifi 2mp camera, trying to figure out how to use a audio to automate a trigger.

I want to trigger an automation if there is sustained loud audio in the baby room.

if you use this you can get the audio from the camera:

I have the baby monitor working now:

  - platform: ffmpeg_noise
    input: rtsp://login:password@ipaddress:80/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1
    extra_arguments: -filter:a highpass=f=300,lowpass=f=2500,volume=volume=2 -codec:a libmp3lame -ar 16000
    initial_state: false
    duration: 2
    reset: 60
    peak: -32

    name: Baby Monitor
    initial: off

 - alias: 'Babymonitor on'
     platform: state
     entity_id: input_boolean.babymonitor
     from: 'off'
     to: 'on'
     service: ffmpeg.start
     entity_id: binary_sensor.ffmpeg_noise

 - alias: 'Babymonitor off'
     platform: state
     entity_id: input_boolean.babymonitor
     from: 'on'
     to: 'off'
     service: ffmpeg.stop
     entity_id: binary_sensor.ffmpeg_noise