Amcrest Camera not working on

I have a pretty simple amcrest that was working at one point (and is working via the direct url to the camera). The only related errors I see in the log are:

2020-02-18 22:17:30 ERROR (MainThread) [] Error requesting stream: Camera is off
2020-02-18 22:17:30 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.http.ban] Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from

Any idea how I can debug?

The error looks like invalid username/password.

Include your configuration so we can see. I have an Amcrest DVR and mine work but you have to pass the username/password in the rtsp link.


Configuration is pretty simple:

amcrest: !include config/amcrest.yaml

Then in amcrest.yaml

  - host:
    username: admin
    password: MYADMINPASS

This is mine, I have the user & pass in the rtsp config:

    - platform: ffmpeg
      name: Backyard
      input: !secret DVR_Channel03
      extra_arguments: '-q:v 1 -r 25 -vf "scale=800:600"'
DVR_Channel03: rtsp://user:pass@DVRIP:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=3&subtype=0

Is the camera on? (Both “physically”, and is the state of the camera entity not idle?) What does its state and attributes look like?

You can get a lot more detail about what’s going on by adding this (or similar) to your config:

  default: info
    amcrest: debug
    homeassistant.components.amcrest: debug

Restart and then look in home-assistant.log. I’d be happy to help interpret the details.