Amcrest Component Recorder Error: "is not json serializable"

Hello there

following the latest upgrade 0.49.0 I am getting the following error

  • am suspecting is preventing recorder / logbook entries in general
  • logbook has been empty since upgrade
  • this error only started with the 0.49.0 upgrade
  • have no issue with automations, only logging is missing as no state history found for all badges

… any help please where I should be digging for the cause?

ERROR (Recorder) homeassistant.components.recorder.util] Error executing query: <AMC_Secret_SN_suffix : AMCREST_SECRET_SN > is not JSON serializable'

I have this error as well

Thank you! I am having problems w/ recorder and logbook but never connected the Amcrest component I added. Have this problem too!

I’m getting the same thing and many of my devices are not showing up in HA and that (the Amcrest error) is the only error I have.

Many of my devices are showing an ‘unknown’ state or show up with an entity ID like zwave._10, zwave._11, etc. I have restarted HA and rebooted the host machine too.

Can anyone check their zwcfg_* file? In trying to figure out what was going on, I noticed that config file is smaller than it should be. When I restart HA I get the things mentioned in my last post here but am also seeing some nodes being identified as ‘Dead’.

Thankfully I have some dated backups that I can pull the zwcfg file from.

Im still getting the Amcrest error though:
2017-07-18 09:10:31 ERROR (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.util] Error executing query: <GarageCAM: AMC001CX70XPK1MM4S> is not JSON serializable

commenting out amcrest component, camera and sensors solves issue of logbook entries …

It has, thank you! I use Blue Iris for my other cameras so I’ll go back to using that connection.

I guess I am going to have to drop back and punt to the last version of HA. My automation’s are not working with 0.49. Not sure if it is related to the Amcrest error or not.