Amcrest video doorbell AD110 initial impressions

Thanks! I was way over thinking it. much appreciated

Thanks for posting thatā€¦ iā€™ll give another try to the NR paletteā€¦ got it all working to catch that code and action and then take a snapshot via BlueIris and send it to me via Telegram (complicated! lol)

Iā€™ve had my Amcrest since mid-August and have never gotten the app to work properly (it wonā€™t do live feeds), but weā€™ll see how my frankenstein-level flow works.

Old comment but you are able to get it from and get it shipped to the netherlands.
I did the same.

Camera is great but the app could use some work.

what do I put in the two entity nodes?

You should be able to just use the HTTP Request node to send the needed GET statement to the API at whatever interval you want. Then use JSON node to parse the response and get the state info. I havenā€™t gotten my Armcrest doorbell yet, but I tried this with another API for another device I have and it worked beautifully. No need for the AD110 node that may be ā€œchattyā€ and send requests that you donā€™t need. Plus this way you have control over the interval at which requests are made.

I just use the home assistant app instead of taskerā€¦ I have mine setup to show notifications to Home Assistant and when it receives the doorbell notification it will play a sound on all my echo devicesā€¦ I have it programmed through NodeRed btw

state.attributes[ā€œandroid.titleā€] contains ā€œSomeone is at Front Doorā€

Just a personal preference as I donā€™t really want extra apps on my phone

Home Assistant companion is a good option too, Chris. It wasnā€™t available back when I described the Tasker setup. I happened to have an old Android phone that is dedicated to running Tasker/SmartHome so my phone can be turned off or in a dead area and HASS recordings/notifications will still work - not that I would be able to see them. :slight_smile:

In any case, Iā€™m still hoping we can get the updates to the Amcrest component worked out so doorbell presses are built-in.

I agree, that would be wonderful!
Actually, I just stumbled across another palette for Node Red ā€“ node-red-contrib-amcrest-ad110
It monitors the events from the doorbell locally and (Iā€™m not home to test it) but it claims to pickup the doorbell press action. Once I get home Iā€™ll put a debug node in and see what message to watch out for and then Iā€™ll remove the listener for my phones notification.

Save you a bit of timeā€¦ the best doorbell button press event code is CallNoAnswered with action=Start.

I donā€™t use Node Red, but others have set it up for the AD110 ding dongs and have documented their flows. You should search for those posts too.

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looks like they have an ad410 coming outā€¦2k, lets hope they have at least done some decent beta testing with itā€¦

I had not seen that! Just reviewed the specs - yep 2560x1920 with H265 encoding as a new option. Also support for both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz WiFi. No mention of a PIR, which was documented in the AD110 specs.

We have seen some really shoddy firmware releases with functionality being inadvertently left out. Even this most recent 922 release forgot to put WDR option back in. So how well this new doorbell was QAā€™d will be a big question - but the improved specs sure look good.

Iā€™m currently making my support thread way longer than it needs to be. Here in the uk support is shocking, canā€™t return it to Amazon, and still waiting response from amcrest, againā€¦
Yeah, software seems to be their big downfall, but not convinced my hardware is tip top, but all I get from them is factory reset, blah blah

I have to agree that Amcrest support, in America, is atrocious. They ran me in circles with the RMA for a month. Support canā€™t see what the RMA group is doing and vice versa so they ask me to do the same thing over and over, in an email thread where if they read it, theyā€™d see I had done already. I was very disappointed when my RMA arrived, and still suffers problems. Damn thing just falls offline regularly (usually in below freezing temperatures). So frequently, I installed a relay on the transformer so I can easily reset it.

As limited as RTSP/ONVIF capable doorbell selections are, thereā€™s still no way I can recommend this doorbell to anyone. And my gosh, steer clear of Amcrest support if at all possible.

Just asking here because the Amcrest forum sometimes seem to lack regular usersā€¦ but does anyone have an issue with their AD110 looking very yellow/green? Color seems fine during the day but at night itā€™s not exactly dark enough for IR where it isā€¦ and on my screen with all my cameras itā€™s very distracting when one camera has this very distinct color tint. I did not yet do the FW upgrade after the botched motion sensor issuesā€¦ so Iā€™m wondering if anything in that may change anything. I did play with the WDR settings but that just seems to go right to super washed-out.

A few months ago my AD110 had an ugly green tint that I found was due to the daytime white balance being turned off. I donā€™t know what caused it, but I used the API to turn it back on and that fixed it.

Another user on the Amcrest forum posted the same issue and I provided some API commands to look at his video settings. He encountered some weird authentication issue and couldnā€™t issue any API commands so he resorted to a factory reset, which fixed the problem. Itā€™s also possible that updating the firmware could fix it too, particularly if the update adjusts any video settings. You will lose the WDR option though.

See this post - hope it helpsā€¦

Ok thank you. White balance is off, i see varying api docs of wether it should use ā€œAutoā€ or 0,1,2,3 (not sure which is right so I am just factory resetting first to avoid bricking) just a side note I wish I knew beforeā€¦ the faceplate is very difficult for me to get off with how my siding/door isā€¦ just realized I can reset just by squeezing the area where the button is and not actually removing cover so thatā€™s pretty awesome! Iā€™ll let you know how it goes

EDIT: The factory reset took care of the color issue, thank you. I wonder how white balance got turned off in the first place as I have been sure to not edit that camera in my NVR because I had heard of the bricking issues.

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Did you save the before settings and compare them with the after reset video settings? Would be good to confirm what settings got changed, if any.

Unfortunately I did not, sorry wish I would have thought about itā€¦ the only one that stands out as being different is the


which was:


Thanks again, that weird color was bugging me for awhile now.

This works really well for me, using live stream in the picture glance card. When clicked to enlarge video, audio also streams. Very nice!

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Guys the amcrest app works terrible. I have now integrated Amcrest integration and working fine and i see live view in HA. And also in Blueiris working very fine.


i need to receive notification if someone push on the ring button. Just not the motion sensor if someone arrive on the door. Can i receive the notification in blueiris or on HA . If that can i really delete that stupid appā€¦