An important update about upcoming changes to the Home Assistant Companion for iOS app

The new app is amazing! Siri shortcuts are great! The critical notification punch right though :smile:

One question, is there a way to have repeatable critical notifications? For example, a water leak alarm, I want this to wake me up at night. Moreover, it would be nice to be able to acknowledge and silence the alarm for x period of time.

Thank again!

This should be possible with the Alert integration I think, give that a try.

The alert integration for the ios app pushes the alarm past the “do not disturb” setting of the phone. In don’t believe alert integration does this.

Can’t login with 2F enabled on iOS 14 Public Beta 4. Authentication window resets back to welcome window from 2F input while switching to 2F app for copying the key.

This isn’t really a fix but anyway… I got it working by setting up 2F app on second mobile device. Now I can get my 2F key without losing focus on the authentication window.

I love HA, I have had it running for ages and really appreciate all the hard work that goes into it, but a default setup of DuckDNS, NGINX and 2FA is not working at all, can’t login, keeps reverting back to the login screen and just loops. Back to the web client until you guys fix this. Companion App for iOS is broken for this default setup. iOS 14 Beta 4, removed and reinstalled the app, nothing gets past this. I have tried turning 2FA off in the config and I still can’t connect the companion app.

Unfortunately, the iOS 14 betas have been especially brutal to the HA app in ways that we cannot work around. In beta 3, the app started crashing whenever you background it (or whenever it wakes up and goes back to sleep due to location for example) because of a change Apple made and how our database format deals with it. There’s no easy workaround that wouldn’t also break the extensions, and we’re hopeful the database authors can write a real fix if Apple doesn’t revert this annoying change. In beta 5 the webview (and Safari, and Safari on desktop) started crashing whenever you interact with an element like a button or toggle. There’s nothing we can do about this one, either, right now.

Since you’re not on beta 5 yet you can join the TestFlight which has a hacky (and potentially data-corrupting) workaround for the crash when entering the background. If you’re okay with potentially needing to delete your local config, that should make the app behave mostly normally unless you upgrade to beta 5.

Thanks, I have just tried the beta in TestFlight and the authentication loop is exactly the same. It won’t bring up 2FA and loops back to the login screen to my duckdns address so looks like it could be just 2FA that no longer works.

I have the same problem here with login on iPadOS 14 beta 5 without 2FA.
The loginpage is not working when called from within the app and when I try to call it inside Safari.

On all my iOS 13 devices everything is working fine!

Thanks for this. This worked for me.

I think the key point is removing your device from Home Assistant iOS App Integration in HA (not the App). Then, remove the app, and finally reboot both devices (HA and iPhone). Finally, reinstall the iOS app.

Hope it’s easier in future updates, but really appreciate the new features! Can’t wait for iOS 14 and HA widgets! :slight_smile:

This was definitely not necessary with iOS 13!

Good to know! Not sure why I had to go through those hoops, but it all worked for me!

I got this sorted out. I have an automation call a script like so:

- id: water_alarm_notification
  alias: 'Water Alarm - Notification'
  initial_state: true
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.basement_water_sensor
    to: 'on'
  - service: script.water_alarm

Then in the script you can run a loop of actions:

    - alias: Water Alarm
          - condition: state
            entity_id: binary_sensor.basement_water_sensor
            state: 'on'
          # Don't do it too many times
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ repeat.index <= 60 }}"
          - service: notify.mobile_app_chriss_iphone
              title: "Water Alarm Triggered!"
              message: "Check the sump pump in the basement!"
                    name: default
                    critical: 1
                    volume: 1.0
          - delay: '00:01:00'
          - service: notify.chris_sms
                title: "Water Alarm Triggered!"
                message: "Check the sump pump in the basement!"
          - delay: '00:01:00'

I have it dual alert me because a basement full of water is no fun.

I have pretty much the same issue. It doesn’t allow me to connect remotely since the upgrade. Can you tell me if you fixed it and if so how?

Yes, it was easy!

If you use the automatic search, you will be lost!
The App will find an address like this: which is not what I have. The portnumber is not correct! The port can only be used with the local http-address.

So you have to set everything manual in the App and then it is working.

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yeah, the port is for the internal address. That is so obvious now you mention it. Thanks a bunch for that.