An SSL error has occurred

So I’ve been dealing with an issue for quite some time now where I can’t connect to my home assistant on my raspberry pi. Usually it happens after a power or internet outage. I’d have to unplug and cycle off and unplug my router, modem, and switch.

First I set my router so that it always assigned the same local IP (118) to the pi (Ethernet wired through a network switch). Then I replaced my low grade unmanaged switch with a better managed switch (but most of managing is turned off). It’s been working fine for a month, but we had a brief power outage today. Sure enough, my tp link light switches weren’t connecting. I tried to reload them and it said to reboot. Reboot wouldn’t work. Then I got the SSL error and now can’t connect again, even after power cycling everything.

I know this is vague, but happy to provide more details, I just can’t get into the Pi now to pull any logs or anything just yet. Has anyone seen this issue?

So I was able to format another card and restore from a backup from 2 days ago (setting up automated backups was the best thing I’ve ever done BTW).

I’m back up and running, but I see an error alert. This has popped up periodically and I’ve ignored it because I figure it’s just with a bad group name and nothing seems to be affected.

Running configuration check reveals:
Invalid config for [group]: value should be a string for dictionary value @ data[‘group’][‘light’][‘entities’]. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 8).

I’m not sure if this what leads to issues that I see with power/internet outages (likely not?). But I figured I should sort this one out.

And I see a long string of RED in the Core Log which doesn’t seem like a good thing… Starting with.
2021-04-22 07:36:10 ERROR (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.recorder.util] The system will rename the corrupt database file //config/home-assistant_v2.db to //config/home-assistant_v2.db.corrupt.2021-04-22T11:36:10.029708+00:00 in order to allow startup to proceed

Any ideas?