As someone who runs HA on x86-64 hardware I’m always keen to see how big the x86-64 pie slice is on the Board Type pie.
However, this pie always seems odd to me because, it has a slice for Virtual Machine. Some of those virtual machines are running on x86-64 hardware so, I think, some of those machines should go into the x86-64 slice.
I wonder if Virtual Machine should be removed somehow.
I’m only concerned because I wonder if the HAOS team might get a distorted veiw of how many people are running each HAOS variant and mis-allocate resources.
Virtual Machine installation is not bare metal. Would it make sense for you to combine x86, RPis, HA Yellow, HA Green etc as bare metal rather? In each and every scenario there is some bare metal under the hood, the question is if there is some additional abstraction layer between it and HA (supervicsor, OS, OS + docker). So current setup makes perfect sense…