Analytics Site Missing Data?

I was just looking at the add-on’s page of the analytics data, and it seems like it must be missing data?

Specifically, I was curious how many reporting installs have been using the Assist Microphone add-on from the native Home Assistant Repository, and noticed it’s not present on the page.

At first I assumed it might just not be used by enough installations and there was a lower bound on reporting, but I see multiple instances of add-ons with zero users, so that couldn’t be it. I also can definitely confirm, that I have analytics turned on myself, and have been using it for a minimum of 4 months, probably 6, so there ought to be at least 1 instance being reported.

Is there any clarity on how this information gets filtered once it’s reported, or why a HA natively supported add-on from the main repo (non-community) wouldn’t show up on the analytics page?

Hi mr_ransel,

Add-ons are not Home Assistant Software. Neither are themes, blueprints, custom Integrations, appdaemons, pyscripts, node-Red flows, or any of that stuff.
These are build by other individuals and they share the code.

Broadly speaking, yes, you are correct, but the home assistant organization provides a series of add-ons that get more direct support here, in the repo that ships with every HassOS install labeled as “official add-ons”. For example Assist Microphone, the one I’m interested in, is maintained by Synesthesiam, working for Nabu Casa, unlike the home assistant community add-ons repository, which are more directly community supported, but share HA contribution guidelines, and still a step above custom addon repo urls that don’t ship with HassOS, and are entirely unaffiliated. The official add-ons I’d say are comparable levels of support as any HA core integration: An integration surface supported by HA, even though they depend on external libraries and software which are part of the broader open source community, and not HA owned.

In either case, my question isn’t about addon support, or anything to do with the addon itself. It’s about the analytics site, which collects metrics about both HA and community maintained add-ons, and I’m hoping to find out more about what filters cause an addon to appear or not appear on the analytics site.

After poking around, I found the answer to my question is that all add-ons measured by the analytics site are selected via an allowlist in the analytics repo for the site, not enumerated like integrations or install data, which makes sense in retrospect.

So I went ahead and updated it to include Assist Microphone as well and it’s been merged.

I also found you can pull the raw addon data using the publicly surfaced addons.json, so even without a PR to the analytics site, if you’re curious about your own addon that isn’t popular enough to make the analytics site list, you can inspect and parse it to gather info on your addon (as well as how many installs are using which version(s) of your addon)