And condition with a single child not working

I guess this is an example of one of those rare instances when you did, based on a misunderstanding of the documentation.

You’re right; that was my mistake. I thought your reply was to me, on the subject of ordering, but you had replied to petro, on the subject of condition notation.

Your unnamed tooling is fine for the YAML interpreter but below par for user-legibility, namely for the volunteers who must examine the non-standard ordering and spot your mistakes. It’s in the same vein as the unformatted YAML occasionally posted by newcomers.

If you know 30+ programming languages then you are aware that many have style conventions that aren’t mandatory but do improve legibility. Consider it the Home Assistant style to order by ‘trigger/condition/action’.

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I’d consider the documentation to be written in an almost malicious fashion. As such, I don’t count this as a mistake. You are free to have your own count.

Anyway, the world is a bit more automated again and I am certain that people will benefit from this topic.

If the people behind Home Assistant were smart, they would implement a pretty printer in the forum software itself. That way the whole topic would be moot.

It’s created by community members so you have the opportunity to improve it. This guide explains how:


how so?

that’s going pretty far just to try to place the blame for your mistake on someone else.

it’s ok to say “oops, I misunderstood the documentation (which could use improvement) and didn’t realize it worked that way” instead of saying that they intentionally wrote the documentation to trip YOU up for some unknowable nefarious reason.

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Like I said: I don’t make mistakes. You, however, have made the mistake of whining over a topic that was already dead.

Home Assistant’s error message, in your first post, clearly shows that you did.

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I never make mistakes…it had to be your fault.

I think this whole thread was started and “written in an almost malicious fashion” by you.


see how silly that sounds?

But in this case I’m not sure it isn’t the truth.

Good luck finding anymore help in this community with the way you’ve behaved here. So I guess you are on your own and we will see how many other “non-mistakes” you make.


Out of curiosity, pardon me but I simply couldn’t resist. I played around with this one using the OP’s “Given:”:



I think you have pointed out one of my struggles with HA as well. Following the documentation and checking the code produces errors in HA. I see many times the HA changes and errors happen even though the docs were followed. A recent example was in the templates and default values.

I disagree with the op about anything from the developers being malicious. I believe that since this is open source that the docs are the least fun thing to work on and they are the last to update and many times are incomplete.

As to the link to change documents, I have found this very difficult on ones I have tried and it being almost a debate on why I want to change them. Many of the documents are not written to the correct level of user and most require you to go to many additional documents rather than being self contained or at the very least correct links to the additional information needed.